
A Quick Note of Segment Tree

  1. What is segment tree

    • A binary tree where each node represents a segment of an original array.
    • The node stores the information of the subarray like sum ,minimum, max...
    • The root represents the entire array, and each child node represents half of its parent.
  2. Why segment tree

    • A data structure for efficiently process range queries.

    • Minimum, maximum, rangeSum of an subarray of a list or array in a logarithmic time.

    • It can support rangeSum in logarithmic time; while updating subarray element very fast.

  3. Implementation and comments

    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
    public class SegmentTree {
        int[] nums;
        int[] tree;
        int n;
        public SegmentTree(int[] arr) {
            n = arr.length;
            tree = new int[4*n];
            nums = arr;
            buildTree(0, 0, n - 1);
         * @param treeIndex The index of node in tree we are building.
         * @param start The startIndex of elements in nums/arr represented by current node.
         * @param end The endIndex of elements in nums/arr represented by current node.
        private void buildTree(int treeIndex, int start, int end) {
            if (start == end) { // leaf node;
                tree[treeIndex] = nums[start];
            } else {
                int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
                buildTree(2*treeIndex+1, start, mid);
                buildTree(2*treeIndex+2, mid+1, end);
                tree[treeIndex] = tree[2*treeIndex+1] + tree[2*treeIndex+2];
         * @param queryStart The range start we are going to query.
         * @param queryEnd The range end we are going to query.
         * @return
        public int rangeSum(int queryStart, int queryEnd) {
            return rangeSum(0, 0, n-1, queryStart, queryEnd);
         * @param treeIndex The index of the tree node we are currently querying.
         * @param queryStart The range start we are going to query.
         * @param queryEnd The range end we are going to query.
         * @param start The startIndex of elements in nums/arr represented by current node.
         * @param end The endIndex of elements in nums/arr represented by current node.
         * @return
        private int rangeSum(int treeIndex, int start, int end, int queryStart, int queryEnd) {
            if (start > queryEnd || end < queryStart) { // index out of range
                return 0; // default value;
            } else if (start >= queryStart && end <= queryEnd) {
                return tree[treeIndex];
            } else {
                int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
            if (queryEnd <= mid) {
                return rangeSum(2*treeIndex+1, start, mid, queryStart, queryEnd);
            } else if (queryStart > mid) {
                return rangeSum(2*treeIndex+2, mid+1, end, queryStart, queryEnd);
            } else {
                int leftSum = rangeSum(2 * treeIndex + 1, start, mid, queryStart, queryEnd);
                int rightSum = rangeSum(2 * treeIndex + 2, mid + 1, end, queryStart, queryEnd);
                return leftSum + rightSum;
         * @param arrPos The index of element in nums/arr that we are going to update.
         * @param newVal The new value of the element we are going to update.
        public void update(int arrPos, int newVal) {
            update(0, 0, n-1, arrPos, newVal);
         * @param treeIndex The index of the tree node we are going to update value.
         * @param start The startIndex of elements in nums/arr represented by current node.
         * @param end The endIndex of elements in nums/arr represented by current node.
         * @param arrPos The index of element in nums/arr that we are going to update.
         * @param newVal The new value of the element we are going to update.
        private void update(int treeIndex, int start, int end, int arrPos, int newVal) {
            if (start == end) { // leaf node;
                tree[treeIndex] = newVal;
            } else {
                int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
                if (arrPos <= mid) {
                    update(2*treeIndex+1, start, mid, arrPos, newVal);
                } else {
                    update(2*treeIndex+2, mid+1, end, arrPos, newVal);
                tree[treeIndex] = tree[2*treeIndex+1] + tree[2*treeIndex+2];
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int[] arr = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11};
            SegmentTree segmentTree = new SegmentTree(arr);
            // Test rangeSum
            assertEquals(1, segmentTree.rangeSum(0, 0));
            assertEquals(3, segmentTree.rangeSum(1, 1));
            assertEquals(36, segmentTree.rangeSum(0, 5));
            assertEquals(32, segmentTree.rangeSum(2, 5));
            // Test update
            segmentTree.update(3, 8);
            assertEquals(33, segmentTree.rangeSum(2, 5));
            segmentTree.update(0, 2);
            assertEquals(38, segmentTree.rangeSum(0, 5));
  1. Lazy
  2. For the operations we mark(with the addition) the nodes first instead of executing the updating immediately. The execution of updating happens when querying.
  3. This lazy operation or thoughts is because of sometimes we do the range updates and all most all the nodes needs to be updated and the time becomes almost O(n)
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