
System Design Interview and beyound Note4 - Caching

How to improve system performance with caching

Duplication cache

Local vs external cache

Adding data to cache(explicitly, implicitly)

Cache data eviction(size-based, time-based, explicit)

Expiration vs refresh

  1. Local(private)cache: same machine as the app itself. Google Guava Cache. Simple and fast but not scalable due to the size limit. And zero fault tolerance and durability.

  2. External (shared/remote) cache: external storage. Redis , Memecached. Scalable(all servers capacity, and fault tolerant and durable(if support replication)

  3. Hash table persists all things at one time until they are explicitly removed. Cache has limit size and evicts entry automatically.

  4. Add data into cache :

    1. Explicitly : put
    2. Implicitly: when getting data it's not in cache, it will be added to the cache
      1. Synchronously: the caller waits for the data to be loaded from data store
      2. Async: the get call returns immediately, the background has a thread to run the refresh job.
  5. Cache eviction:

    1. Size-based : Eviction policies: LRU, LFU
    2. Time-based : TTL
      1. Passively: when entry is accessed, if found expired, evicted
      2. Actively: background thread runs at regular intervals
    3. Explicitly remove
  6. Expiration vs refresh(update without eviction)

    1. Expiration: sync manner. When an entry expired, app waits for the new entry to be loaded from data store.
    2. Refresh: existing entry is returned and new value is loaded async in the background.
    3. Refresh is especially good for hot keys: hot keys are keys that are read very frequently. Refresh won't block the read.
  7. A example : a cache, refresh time 1, expiration time 2 min :


  8. Return to the messaging system: duplicate messages (how happened->the message is accepted and processed by the broker but the ack is somehow lost, send producer thinks the send failed so to send again the same message)

    1. There will be a sequence key or duplication id in the metadata. If not provided in the message, broker may generated itself for the message based on something.
    2. If broker hasn't seen the message(by checking the duplication id), then the message is accepted;
    3. Otherwise , it's duplicated and it's not accepted.

Metadata cache

Cache-aside pattern

Read-through and write though patterns

Write-behind(write-back) pattern

  1. Previous problem focus on the cache itself how to deal with data;
  2. Now we are focusing another typical problem : how to keep the data store and cache their data consistent.
  3. Who might be in charge of this job(maintain consistency)? - application(use both stores) or cache .
  4. Application manage: cache aside. -> widely used
    1. Application looks for a entry in the cache , if there(cache hit), return immediately;
    2. Else if not there(Cache miss): it will fetch data from the data store;
    3. Put the new entry into cache.
  5. Not suitable for latency-critical systems->Every cache miss results in three round trips
  6. Stale data when data changes frequently in the data store -> cache doesn't know data store change (mitigated by setting expiration time on cache entries)
  7. Prone to cache stampede behaviors -> multiple threads simultaneously query the same entry from the data store (due to cache miss) -> a problem to large scale system
  8. Cache in charge -> read and writes go through cache.
  9. Read through -> cache reads data from data store in case of cache miss. (sync manner)
  10. Write through -> modification to the cache are written back to the data store. (sync)
  11. Advantage :
    1. simplify the data access code of application ;
    2. help to mitigate the cache stampede problem -> it only allows one request to read data from data store , others are waiting list, once the data is fetched, it send the response to the clients whose request is on the waiting list. -> request coalescing
  12. Cons:
    1. Cache may contains al ts of rarely used at ( problem for small caches )
    2. Cache becomes critical component (if fails, system down)
  13. The sync manner is more reliable since it waits for the data to come back and if it's not back , some log or exception can be recorded.
  14. But if the system prioritize performance, there is a async way to maintain the consistency. -> write behind pattern
  15. The data is write to cache and response to client immediately. The data in cache is queued and write to data store later.
  16. This improve performance (higher throughput and lower latency ) but may lose data if cache crashes -> can be mitigated by cache replication.
  17. Messaging system : we store metadata (max size of the queue.... Message retention period...)
    1. Store in the embedded storage
    2. Also has a in memory cache for fast data access. -> we need the metadata to validate the message each time the message comes.
    3. We can implement the cache using read through and write through.
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